Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Stinking flu bug

I was supposed to go down to Tacoma for my 5 month post-op appointment but had to cancel because I got the flu. :( I had to reschedule for next week. I'll try to let you know how the appointment goes. Things are going fine so far. I still feel some pain but I've played volleyball the past 2 Tuesdays and it's gone pretty well. Just don't tell Dr. Mayo because I technically haven't been cleared to play yet. :)


  1. I am glad to hear you are doing well and that you seem to have fit in some vollyball. (don't worry, I won't tell.) Good luck at your appointment!

    RPAO, Dr. Mayo 10/12

  2. I won't tell either, as long as nobody tells Dr. Mayo some of the stuff I've done. What happens on the Internet stays on the Internet!
    RPAO Dr. Mayo 7/8/09
    LPAO Dr. Mayo 11/18/09
