Thursday, November 19, 2009

Extra Hardware

I forgot to mention this in my last posts...

It seems that I have a little bit of extra hardware in the PAO hip. When I went in to Mayo's office in July, I got to see the x-rays of my hip post-surgery for the first time. Sara stuck the x-rays on the light up board thingy (I'm sure there's a medical term for that thing) and she pointed out each of the 5 screws that were now holding my bones together. That in itself is a weird thing to see but while we were counting the screws, I noticed that there looked like there was a tiny, one inch screw toward the top of my pelvis that seemed a bit out of place. I asked Sara what that was and her response was "Oh, that? That's a drill bit." Gulp. "A drill bit?!?!", I ask. "Yes", she said nonchalantly, "It must have broken off during surgery."

Yipes. It wasn't funny at the time because I was a little freaked out but after the appointment my husband and I were talking about it and we were both picturing Dr. Mayo drilling into my pelvis, cursing because he broke a drill bit and then saying something like, "That's the third one this week! Cheap medical equipment..."

OK, this may not be funny to you but you've not met Dr. Mayo. I'm not sure he's one to show a lot of emotion. He's pretty even keeled and consistent - not to say that he's not kind, because he is. Anywho, my fellow Dr. Mayo hip chicks probably know what I'm talking about.

So now I'm walking around with 5 stainless steel screws and a broken drill bit in my hip. I know what's going to happen when I go through airport security in March - it's not going to be the screws in my hip that set off the metal detector, it's going to be that bloody drill bit!!


  1. Oh, that's too funny. I think if you get a screw head it costs extra!

    Dr. Mayo told me that my screws were stainless steel, not titanium. I have been through 4 airports with 7 screws and have not set anything off yet. Now that I have 14 screws (LPAO just done 11/18) I don't know if I'll have the same luck. I have to fly in mid-January so I'll find out.

  2. What is funny is how nonchalant they are about things that I find quite ikky. At my 8 week check-up - I asked if I would be able to feel the screws as I healed. I was told "No, they are countersunk."

    Kathy (RPAO 10/12/09 Dr. Mayo)
